GitGuardian invites you to their event

Have Your Secrets Leaked? It’s time to find out!

About this event

We understand the struggle of securing sensitive data—API tokens, cloud credentials, and database URLs have a knack for slipping into the public eye, be it in code repositories, CI job logs, or unexpected corners like Jira tickets.

We've been championing this cause since 2017, scouring over a billion public GitHub commits last year alone and uncovering a staggering 10 million in 2022. We've gone beyond reports, beyond thought leadership, to unveil a real solution: HasMySecretLeaked!

HasMySecretLeaked will change the way you secure secrets. No scanning—just auditability for every secret across vaults, pipelines, and more, to pinpoint leaks and their origins. If you’re wondering if your secrets have slipped into the wild, far beyond your control, HasMySecretLeaked has the answers.

Hosted by Mackenzie Jackson, Security Advocate at GitGuardian, this webinar will navigate through the pivotal features and showcase how this integration improves your secrets security posture. Don't miss this chance to enhance your secrets management practices and interact with industry experts!

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    PL G
    Pierre Lalanne GitGuardian


Code Security For The DevOps Generation

GitGuardian is a cybersecurity company that offers automated and real-time monitoring to protect businesses from data leaks caused by security breaches through secrets detection on source codes, cloud infrastructures and various platforms. They aim to ...